Google is not Friends with News Aggregators

In this post I am going to explain to you why Google does not look with good eyes at the content aggregators and how the main search engine of Spain every time takes more seriously to fight against the duplicated content executive officer email database . This analysis will be done with some of the best news aggregators in Spanish, to show a constriction of your organic visibility in Google.
Best news aggregators in Spain
1.- Menéame

Menéame is the largest news aggregator in Spanish, and was created by Ricardo Galli.

It is undoubtedly the aggregator of Spanish-language news with the most web traffic worldwide, but it has been losing traffic in Spain, going from position 37 that occupied in December 2012, to the position 185 that currently occupies according to the Alexa ranking.

Let’s see now the evolution of organic visibility in Google in the last year.

news aggregator meneame

    We see a very pronounced fall in organic visibility that almost reaches 60%, that is to say, almost 60% of the keywords that this aggregator had in the Top 20 of Google have been lost.

2.- Logbooks

Bitácoras is a well-known blog aggregator that has been around for a long time.

Each year it organizes the Bitácoras Awards that recognize and reward the best Spanish-speaking blogs in the world in a large number of categories.

If we analyze the evolution of organic visibility in the last year we obtain the following result:

news aggregator logs

    In the last year we can see a 50% reduction in organic visibility, and a loss of more than 1,200 keywords.

3.- mktfan

Mktfan is a very effective aggregator and with which we can get many visits to our Blog if we can get to the front page. To get to the cover you need to get 25 votes from other members who are registered in the aggregator.

In the digital media and social media sector, mktfan is the most popular news aggregator.

Now we see the evolution of the organic visibility of the last year:

news aggregator mktfan

    In the previous image we can see a reduction of 75% of the visibility of this aggregator in the Google search engine.

4.- Marketertop

Marketertop is a very recent news aggregator that has focused mainly on areas of online marketing, social media, ecommerce, etc.

Executive Officer Email Database

If we analyze its organic visibility of the last year we can see a negative evolution as it happens in the rest of aggregators analyzed.

news aggregator marketertop
Advantages of news aggregators

Personally I think that using aggregators is positive for different reasons:
1.- We announce our Blog to other professionals

It is a good space to publicize our Blog and other professionals in the sector can see the content we do.
2.- We manage to attract web traffic to the new post always

Content aggregators can be one of the main sources of referral traffic if we know how to use them well. The volume of web traffic varies greatly depending on the type of aggregator, but in the marketing and social media sector, undoubtedly mktfan is the aggregator where we can get more traffic with less effort.
3.- Amplify social viralization

This is so, since many social media use news aggregators as a tool for curing content, since the contents are current and well segmented, which makes it easy to find quality content to publish on our social channels.
4.-We get more followers

 Aggregators are also very useful to get followers in Social Networks. If other professionals like the content you post on your Blog, it is very likely that they will start following you on Social Networks to access the information you publish more quickly.
5.- Good channel where to find interesting, current and segmented information

The good thing about aggregators is that they allow you to find specific information for a specific channel and dedicate less time than if we did it in a conventional way.
6.- You get more readers in Feedly

We must always remember that the main objective of a Blog is to create a faithful reading community, and an element of loyalty are those people who do not miss any of your publications and subscribe to your Blog through Feedly.
Disadvantages of news aggregators
1.- Web traffic that does not go online of your objectives

When we want to capture traffic we always do it for a reason and with an objective, but this is not always aligned in the use of aggregators, with which we manage to bring traffic but that may not turn into sales.
2.- Very broad and different Target

There is no content aggregator where there is only a very specific profile of professionals but rather the opposite, and this makes it perhaps cost a bit to measure the effectiveness of our strategy in this aggregator. News Adlers in Spanish