Advantages of Hiring a Company to a Blogger

If you are a company that is interested in extending your business to the Internet, I suppose you have contemplated Content Marketing as one of your main strategies to attract, retain and convert; as well as developing your online company brand italy business email database . That said, your next step will be to create a blog within your company website. Or do you already have it?

A blog is a basic tool to expose your expertise and create connections with your audience through the content you publish.

In that case, Welcome to the world of Content Marketing and Blogging!

In this post we will make a tour that will help your company to make the best decisions to blog successfully and know why and what it will be useful to put a blogger in your business project.

Based on the close relationship that exists between content marketing and blogging, we will now briefly explain some aspects of both concepts.

What is content marketing
Without dwelling much on the subject – because it deserves an independent article – Content Marketing is a strategy focused on creating and sharing content of value in a consistent manner, with the aim of attracting and retaining an audience and finally converting it into customers.

It is based on maintaining a communication with your clients and prospects without selling something directly to them.

You offer valuable and relevant content to them, making them more intelligent beings. As a result, an emotional attachment of inestimable value will be created between them.

It is a way of educating people, where the relationship will initially be based on facilitating the learning curve of your audience with articles that inform and provide solutions.

In turn, your company will be talking about itself and its own value.

In this way, you will be able to sell more easily, because you have created in advance a nexus of confidence in your knowledge and ability to resolve certain issues.

But something you have to know is that if you have not worked before your brand image and you have not created an audience, it is likely that your Marketing Strategy will lose effectiveness, so before you start generating content like crazy, think before converting to your brand or company in a relevant brand in your sector.

How Content Marketing can help your business
At present, people do not want to connect with brands they want to connect with people.

Purchasing decisions are not made a priori, first they are informed and investigated, and they go through a selection and filtering process until the purchase decision is reached; which usually has a high percentage of emotional components.

Some statistics you should know
For 62% of Internet users comments on social networks about a brand are highly valued, 13% value them a lot and 49% a lot.
For 50% comments on social networks about a brand have a great influence on their purchase decision, 8% value them a lot and 42% a lot.
39% seek information about the brand before making a purchase, while 37% comment or consult.
89% of users follow a brand, 9 out of 10.
Facebook and Twitter are the most used networks for these purposes.
(results of Estudio IAB Spain)

Italy Business Email Database

That’s when Content Marketing becomes your most potent weapon, it is more likely to be your company to choose as a supplier of a product if you were informed and learned, if it has been your company that has guided them in their process of understanding and definition.

The collaboration will be a competitive advantage that will bring greater conversions to your brand #SM
Think that the Content Marketing of your company generates behaviors and actions. For example:

Read your articles
They subscribe to the company blog.
Share your content on their social networks.
Write a comment
Click when your business blog is displayed in Google searches.
They recommend you to others.
They participate in a course. (or contest)
Download contents of the blog.
They follow you on social networks.
Each one of these behaviors will involve the creation of an intellectual, emotional and emotional bond with your company and will develop a psychological predisposition to continue taking other decisions and go further.

I suppose you are already convinced of the importance of content marketing if you want to use the Internet as an amplifier of your business.

Let’s move on to talk about blogging as a tool to implement your marketing strategy.

In that case, your company should contemplate including blogging within its main activities and for that a professional blogger or person in charge of performing the corresponding tasks will be required.

What is Blogging
The blogging in a few words, is nothing more than writing on a website of your own – or not – as usual, emerges as a form of online newspapers in the déc