Mom, I want to be a Community Manager

Many people ask me what do I need to be a community manager? What should I know? Where can I learn? Our USA B2B Email List is full of email contact information relevant for this campaign and just about any business campaign you can target successfully.USA Email Database
All these questions are enclosed in a concept: I WANT TO WORK IN SOCIAL NETWORKS.

Here is a checklist of what you need to know to be a Community Manager.

Marketing notions
The Community Management is a branch of Digital Marketing, for that reason it is necessary to know the marketers fundamentals to understand that this “FASHION OFFICE” is really a discipline that requires effort and work.
Lesson 1, learn with these templates:

Notions of Strategic Planning
Although this is learned in the march, a theoretical basis is not enough.
You must know how to analyze your audience, competitors and the current state of your brand.
Lesson 2 Learn with these templates.
Notions of Communication
Sure you know how to write to tweet or a post, but do you know how to structure a content plan?
Are you able to generate a detailed communication plan?
To summarize it, there are 3 U of Content Marketing:
1. Useful: It attracts more creative audience
2. Unique: Siemproe you can innovate and do different things
3. User: It will be the center of all content. How to do Content Marketing?
Professional Template Content Marketing

Handling of Tools
You will find many tools for the work of CM, however my recommendation is more than knowing many, focus on those that allow you to develop the plan that you have structured.
The 10 new tools of SOCIAL MEDIA and Digital Marketing that you must try in 2017

And ready, to ROCKE!

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