List of most Important and Most used Social Networks

In this complete mega guide you will find a total of 25 social networks in list format, which have been selected taking into account the most important and most used social networks chief marketing officer email database . To know who we are we have to understand how we are connected by Ken Robinson click to tweet
Social Networks: What are they and what are the most important. A social network is nothing more than an organized set of people made up of two elements: human beings and connections between them. These networks are formed and evolve naturally due to the tendency and need of people to establish relationships.

The virtual networks that have become popular in recent years, in essence have not brought anything new in this regard, but they have transformed the way we interact with each other. Their presence in the lives of the users is so great that the social impact they have is acquiring strength in leaps and bounds and the lives ‘offline’ and ‘online’ are overlapping and getting closer.

We are not really aware of how our actions and attitudes influence thousands of people each day and this effect is multiplied with virtual social networks due to the ease with which information can be transmitted and the virality that it may have. In addition, social networks eliminate important borders such as geographical, ideological or economic.

From the birth of social networks such as Facebook or Friendster to our days, the number of them has grown so much that it is difficult to encrypt with accuracy, and the approach that each one or the target audience is also of the most diverse: are for example generalist networks such as the aforementioned Facebook which encourages relationships between friends and family who exchange personal and interesting content, or networks such as Linkedin aimed at professionals and companies seeking to establish working or business relationships.

But regardless of the focus of the social network, in general they offer a great opportunity for companies and professionals to approach their users and turn them into potential clients, through a closer and bidirectional communication, adapting to the uniqueness of each One and his audience. They also offer the opportunity to humanize brands and establish a closer relationship with their customers or followers.

Whether for sale, brand image or customer loyalty, we are going to offer you a large list of social networks to which you can go to take advantage of their potential and give your project an important boost, since good management in social networks supported by a social media plan (essential), can help you and much to achieve your goals.

If it had already crossed your mind but you do not know which one is right for your business or which would fit your message better, do not worry because this guide in which are the most important social networks, will help you decide.
List of social networks ordered by number of active users in the world.

Chief Marketing Officer Email Database

The social networks that have grown the most in recent months, globally in terms of active users have been; Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram and Linkedin and in Spain; Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, Spotify and Pinterest.

As we have already mentioned, a social network on the Internet is a site that favors the creation of a virtual community in which people connect for common interests and share content of various kinds: texts, images, videos, etc.

Taking into account this concept, in this list of social networks we have included practically all the themes and even some networks whose use would in principle have another purpose, but which nevertheless meet the characteristics of a Social Network. This is the case of Spotify, for example, which being an application created for playing streaming music also allows you to follow other users and artists or share playlists.

Let’s go there!

List of most used social networks infographics
1.- Facebook

One that could not be missing in this list of Social Networks and that I do not think there is anyone at this point that does not know it or even that does not have a user account. It is the leading social network in Spain and the world that has 1,366 million users, and although it was not the first (before others were born such as Friends Reunited or Friendster) it was the one that popularized this way of relating through the Internet.

    Data: 366 million active users, more than 2.5 billion pieces of content and more than 80 million photographs are shared every day.
    Target audience: although the highest percentage of users is between 18 and 29 years old, it has a fairly broad target in terms of age range and is used by men and women practically in equal measure.