10 SEO Techniques in 2019 to Love the Google Search Engine

In the world of Internet and web positioning, there are many SEO strategies and techniques that aim to convince the Google search engine to give us a better position in our pages and thereby attract thousands of visits from the main source of traffic in 2019, which is none other than Mr. Google. But within this equation there was a part that had remained isolated in this whole process chief email database , yes I refer to you, the USER, something that was totally illogical and incoherent if we think about it, since the User is nothing else than the protagonist of all contents that we communicate and publish to the Internet.

If you want to love the Google search engine and increase your visibility in the search engine, start up some of these SEO techniques that I am going to tell you:

My favorite SEO Techniques in 2015
Technique 1.- Study of Key words Long Tail
Something very basic when we want to start generating content is to choose the topics of what we are going to write, and this choice is where it is very important if we really want to get traffic from the Google search engine. This technique is very simple and it is about combining what the readers of my Blog are demanding with the choice of the best keywords to make Google fall in love, and this happens because in the current algorithm SEO On Page is still very important.

I use a hybrid method that is to combine the results that SEMrush offers me, especially I like the study of keyword matching, but since SEMrush will not show me all of the words what I do is combine it with the Word Planner Key, and so in this way I get a record combination of terms to build my Long Tail.

Technique 2.- SEO On Page Advanced
Some time ago I wrote a guide on SEO On Page, with the most basic aspects important to shape our content and thus rank better in the search engine but now I am going to discuss some aspects of SEO On Page advanced, which surely will be very useful.

1.- Choice of the URL. I recommend that you choose friendly urls and 3 to 5 words maximum.

2.- Title. It may seem very simple to enter the keyword at the beginning of the title, but the truth is that it is still very effective to do so, and this happens because Google gives greater importance to what is on the left.

title keyword

Here I give you an example performing the search “seo course”, the first two results have the main keywod at the beginning of the title.

3.- Multimedia elements to retain more time to the user. We have to try to reduce the bounce rate as much as possible and allow users to stay on our page as long as possible, so now it does not make sense to hide the best of the post, but rather, to place it on the top . You can use elements such as infographics, images, videos or podcasts to get your visitors to stay longer on your website.

Chief Email Database

4.- Titles H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5. Use different combinations of the keyword to fully exploit the Long Tail. This may seem a somewhat artificial and not very subtle technique but I assure you that it is an effective one.

5.- Add links to related topics. Add links to other quality pages to complement the information in our article will facilitate Google the task of identifying the subject of the page to index and you will also transmit to the Google search engine that your website always links other sites or quality content, as well This will help you improve the quality of your site.

6.- Add the keyword at the beginning of the post. It is very important that you add the keyword in the first 100 words of your content, or what is the same, it is highly recommended that the keyword is in the first or second paragraph of the post.

Technique 3: WPO
Google has declared war on the loading speed of web pages, taking into account this factor to improve their rankings.

Under normal conditions a web page should be loaded in less than 4 seconds, if your page is above this amount you are facing a serious problem and I recommend that you hire a professional to help you optimize the loading speed.

I recommend you to do a speed test right now with the PINGDOM tool.

wpo speed test

In my case, the loading speed is less than 2 seconds. Which is yours?

What is WPO?

WPO is a set of techniques that we use to improve the way our web is loaded, make it faster, less heavy and more effective.

If you want to optimize the upload speed, your Blog follows these recommendations:

1.- Compress the images to the maximum.

2.- Use a Caché Plugin that compresses style sheets, javascript, HTML, etc.

3.- Use a CDN. Caching in an external content network can help us improve