Mega Guide to Create Super Original Online Info graphics with Pikto chart and Photoshop

Are you tired of trying to get more engagement in your content and you do not succeed? Do you need to find new techniques to generate engagement? Did you know that infographics are an increasingly important tool when it comes to viralizing your content and getting more engagement? Today we explain to you all the powers of this excellent Marketing tool uk consumer email database and we give you two solutions so that you can create your own info graphs from now on, and thereby achieve a higher rate of engagement in your publications.

Nowadays, infographics have become a very important Marketing tool because as we all know there are more and more contents on the Internet and people have less and less time to read everything they find, that’s why the importance of infographics, They allow information to be offered to users in a faster, clearer, visual and schematic way.

Currently the presence of this type of content in social networks is very large because with their great power of attraction they help to create engagement with the contents in a unique way and that is why more and more professionals and brands opt for the use of this format as a Content Marketing strategy.

To see even more the importance of infographics today, I leave you some statistical data:

The infographic to statistical examination
Today 90% of the communication is visual, since we can remember the images better (80%) than the text (20%).
Visual elements have a 95% impact more than text content.
If we enter the psychological part, the images are processed 60,000 times faster than the text.
In social networks, publications with images or videos attract 3 times more links.
People learn better with visual content.
On Facebook, publications with images receive 53% more “Like”, 105% more comments and 84% more clicks.
According to SocialBakers, 93% of the content that generates the most engagement on Facebook are composed of images.
On Twitter, tweets with images have 150% more retweets, 18% more clicks and 89% more favorites;
In Google+, posts with images have more +1 markers;
Infographics help increase web traffic;
With these data I think you can see the great importance of today’s images, and in particular, the infographics that can help you share more visual content both Online and Offline (in presentations or conferences) and generate a better engagement with the company or brand.

UK Consumer Email Database

Before continuing with the process of creating an infographic, I would like to leave a series of simple definitions for those people who are entering this world and who are not very clear about its meaning and importance.

What is an infographic?
An infographic is the combination and representation of a series of images that summarize a text in a visual way. That is, it is the most appropriate visual element to show knowledge of data or statistics in a graphic way and that help to grasp and understand more quickly the concepts of a content.

It is the content most commonly used to transmit information in a visual, simple, fast and quality way.

It can be said that it is one of the main marketing strategies to generate quality content both to increase engagement in Social Networks and to improve the SEO of a website.

What features does an infographic have?
Allows you to understand existing information more easily and quickly;
The texts are simple and direct;
Use visual elements related to what you want to convey;
As a rule, they usually have little text;
They should be quality messages and interesting for the reader;
They are usually scannable and original and fun;
The images are of good quality;
They are concise and are not usually very long, etc .;

Advantages of using infographics
They will help to publicize your Personal Brand more quickly and naturally;
You can share them easily in different social networks;
They help to viralize your content;
Improve the SEO (positioning) of your website. According to the Searchmetrics 2015 SEO Factors study, the use of visual elements (images and infographics) in the best positioned posts has increased, while videos have decreased;
They will help you make a difference in relation to your competition;
You will get more links and everything in a 100% natural way;
You can use them in any subject or sector;
They allow creating much more attractive content for your followers, etc;
It is an element of user retention, since it captures the attention of the visitor and stays more time on the web page;

Why should you use infographics on your blog?
They tend to be much more attractive to readers than other types of content;
They get more quickly the attention of the reader;
Summary and explain in a clear way