What’s coming in 2018 in Digital Marketing

Then I leave the top of actions that we will see in 2018 in the Digital Marketing scenario.Canada Business Email Database to promote your products or service in Canada.
Eye Marketers to start making your plan from now on.

Influencers yes, Celebritys NO!
Little by little, the bubble of the influencers vanishes and leaves to debate open, it is enough of the reach of the influencers, it is time to see the numbers of the conversion. In 2018 the strategies of influencers go through the opinion leaders who interact with the audiences, behind was the exorbitant payment to celebrities who do little or nothing for the brand beyond lending their image for a campaign.

It is football and if you are not a sponsor of the World Cup but you want to ride in the wave of the World Cup, you must be creative when it comes to making your campaign is not one more but you have the effect you are looking for.

Contests, promotions, activations, of that there is but what you will not look like another clown in the circus function. Digitize YOUR BUSINESS Do not give more laps, if you already have an online presence and your brand is in SAocial Media, it’s time to evolve and assemble the ecommerce of your company, your mobile app, to CRM system or online customer service. People are on the Internet and in 2018 audiences will grow close to 29% Infographic: World Cup Final Sparks 32 Million Tweets | Statista

No more Click Bait
If you are the brands that cheat the audience on Facebook, there is good news that will penalize you. Let the audience choose why they click on a content. Companies get serious, create a digital team with a structure that allows you to see the dynamism of the brand and business. We are in the 21st century.

Video, Video and more Video
You still do facebook post without video, you are in Instragram and you do not create videos, the youtube channel is only for youtubers? … it is time to get involved in video marketing, in 2018 the algorithms of social platforms will evolve to give greater relevance to this content and will position that are focused in these formats.
Infographic: When all the videos became viral | StatistaMore statistics in Statista

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