25 Best Free and Premium WordPress Templates in 2018

Choosing which of the wordpress templates is right for your online project can be a difficult obstacle to overcome.

Among so many options of wordpress themes, choosing a template from one of the wordpress themes platforms can become a frustrating, exhausting and long process. (more than desired …)

And think for a moment, a bad choice can be a big problem in the future, for example imagine that you choose a wordpress template left without support or Canadian CEO Email List update the creators, logically you would have to change to another theme, hence choosing well not only It happens to have benefits at the technical or SEO level, but also to have guarantees for the future.

So you can choose better you will have a list of free wordpress templates and another list of premium  or paid wordpress templates , so you can choose the option that best suits you.

Before starting with the list of templates wordpress you have a brief summary that will help you to put yourself in situation when choosing the wordpress theme perfect for you.

Knowing what you want is the starting point to avoid distractions because it will be much easier to define the perfect wordpress theme if you know the current needs of your project.

Let’s review the key points to choose a wordpress template that will serve as a specific roadmap to avoid letting you “fall in love” for the magnificent designs of topics and get to the point.


Maybe the particularities of your project should contemplate other points, but these are essential and designed for an entrepreneurial user profile.

Is your site a blog, magazine, online store?

This point is vital to define the design style and functionalities you need.

You have the option to go directly to wordpress templates aligned with your type of site or buy a multiproposite theme, in any case make sure you consider the style of your business or online project.