Best Strategies to Succeed with a Blog – How to Create a Success Blog

The creation of a Blog has become the indispensable piece in any marketing strategy, and in one of the most important channels for the dissemination of valuable content for a given audience co founder email database . When we start it is normal that we screw up and make mistakes, so in this post I will tell you both the things that have given me good results as well as those mistakes that I have made, especially so that you do not make them.

This post is an introduction to my presentation tomorrow at the Mini Summit Online 2015 Social Media Congress, where I will explain how to create a success blog step by step, and what are the best strategies for you to get a successful blog.
How to create a Success Blog step by step?

I am going to indicate a series of keys that are very easy to follow and apply to your Blog in order to succeed and achieve success.
1.- Definition of the objectives of the Blog

The success of a blog has to be a measurable and therefore quantifiable objective, for this it is necessary to define a series of major marketing kpis and secondary, which will be the identifiers that we will measure to see if we achieve the achievement of these objectives and in short if we approach the expected success.
2.- Creation of the Brand

It is very important that long before we start to create and build our blog we devote special attention to the design and creation of our brand, be it a personal brand or company brand. This is very important because this design will characterize and visually differentiate us from other similar brands.
3.- Choice of the hosting

There are many tools to create a free blog, but if you want to create a successful blog I recommend you start with a professional hosting such as Raiola, where I hosted the Marketing and Web Blog, and where I have duplicated the visits in a few months, but why this happens:

1.- Optimization of the loading speed. One of the aspects that Raiola knows how to work like nobody else is the optimization of the upload speed of your Blog in WordPress, and this happens because the professionals who work in the company are experts in the optimization of this CMS.

    Before my Blog took more than 4 seconds and now just over a second.

2.- Stability and availability of the Blog. One of the main problems that my Blog had before changing to Raiola was the stability and availability problems due to the increase in web traffic. In my experience most of the hosting work well with a small traffic volume but when your traffic volume approaches 25,000 visits / month you are likely to start having problems, at least that’s what happened to me, but I have to say that in the 6 months that I have been with Raiola, not only the problems of availability of the Blog have completely disappeared, but they have also helped me achieve a traffic of 50,000 visits / month.

Co Founder Email Database

Think that the good does not have to be expensive, since you can get a WordPress hosting from € 4.95, with all this:

    Ability to store 3 different domains.
    10 GB storage.
    80 GB transfer.
    3 DB MySQL
    9 email account
    512 MB of RAM
    50% of 1 CPU

4.- Domain choice

The choice of domain is an important aspect both at the level of Branding and at the level of web positioning, ideally and what I always recommend is to make a mix between Branding and SEO, and place our brand plus the most significant keyword. important for my business.
5.- Choice of the tool

If you want to create a successful professional blog, the best tool you can choose is, and this is because it is a tool with which you can position yourself in the Google search engine in a few months and get thousands of visits per month in little weather.
6.- Consistent and coherent structure

A key aspect in a blog is to define a structure that is very consistent for the content that we are going to publish. I always say that less is more, when I refer to categories or labels, we must use as few of them as possible considering that we are going to upload enough contents of each and every one of these categories.

And an aspect that for SEO is vital and that we will see in detail later, is to use a good Internal Links Strategy, which will make sense when we elaborate a collection of articles related to the same topic.
7.- Create a Google Analytics account and Google Webmaster Tools

A fundamental aspect for this new Blog that you are going to create is to measure the results that you are going to obtain and have a direct communication channel with the main search engine in Spain.

Once we have seen some of the most basic aspects to create a Blog of success, now I will tell you the strategies that I have used in my Blog and they have allowed me to go from 4,000 visits / month to 50.00