Advanced SEO Guide + Ebook Basic and Advanced Web Positioning

You really wanted to write this advanced SEO guide, where I will tell you the best web positioning strategies but at a slightly more complex level, but that does not imply that they necessarily have to have a technical component, and some of them obey a more strategic and creative SEO china email database . You will see that there are many SEO strategies that can give a lot of prestige and recognition to your brand on the Internet and serve as the perfect channel to obtain greater visibility in the Google search engine.

But if you have just come to the world of SEO, do not worry because I offer you a basic SEO ebook that will help you get into the world of web positioning.

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Do you want to know the best strategies of advanced search engine positioning?

Strategy 1. Promote your personal or business brand
Someone can think and this has to do with SEO, Miguel has completely grated with this first strategy, but it is not, I think that one of the best investments you can make to boost the web positioning of your project is to make a strategy of branding that will help you promote and publicize your brand.

The objective is simply to use attraction marketing through our popularity, but you have to know that this strategy will take at least a year if you can see significant results.

How do we promote our brand to improve SEO?

Here is a series of quick tips:

1.- Invest in making a design that differentiates you from the rest of the competitors
Some people think that this is throwing money but it is not like that, it is an aspect that has a great impact on our brand strategy and on how users who visit us perceive us.

Answer some of these questions;

How much would you be willing to invest in how a user perceives you in the first few seconds of knowing you?

Does it help or hurt us to look like other brands?

2.- Select the best channels to let you know
In my experience, the best channels to publicize your brand are:

Essential tool and that will be the main vehicle where we transport our best content.
Social networks. Better channel to spread our actions and to let us know many people.
News aggregators. The news aggregators are very effective to let us know and promote our brand, both in the aggregator itself and in the Social Networks.
Other Blogs Something we sometimes overlook is the importance of making ourselves known to other communities of readers, which I consider tremendously important and that gives great value to our brand.
3.- Prepare your Content Strategy
We need to develop a content strategy that affects all the channels mentioned above and that seeks to achieve maximum visibility, so that in this way the greatest number of people can know us.

I recommend you make a clear commitment to develop content of great value and quality because this will be your best presentation in the world Blogger.

If you have to spend a whole week doing a good post, do it, it will be the best investment you can make to improve your personal brand.

Remember that you need to publish more content outside your Blog than inside, since the main objective is to let you know and improve your personal brand.

Drive your brand and you will be driving your #SEO web positioning
Strategy 2. SEO Audit
Perform an SEO audit is a fundamental aspect if you want to improve our web positioning to the maximum. Not only will it help us to correct SEO errors that we currently have on our website or Blog, but it will also serve as a good behavior guide to follow it in the future.

Some tools to do an SEO audit

1.- ScreamingFrog

Undoubtedly the most complete tool to perform an SEO audit, but I tell you that it is not easy to use and you will have to dedicate many hours to be able to take full advantage of it.
2.- SEMrush

A much simpler tool to use than the previous one and with which we can do a good SEO audit. Once we have done the analysis we can download in excell format and pdf the errors that we have to correct in each section.
3.- ahrefs

This SEO tool has been recently uploaded to the audit car, and although the analysis is much more basic than the previous ones, it can also be used to correct some of these errors.
Do not miss this fantastic Ahrefs Guide by my friend Rafa Sospedra.

Implement an audit #SEO will boost your web positioning in a short time
Yes, I recommend that if you want to do a good SEO audit of your website or Blog, it is best to hire a good SEO professional.

Strategy 3. SEO On page Advanced

4.- Content length
For a long time you had always been thinking within the SEO world, that the length of the content had no impact on the web positioning, if you start looking for articles in the last 2 years you will see how most say something similar, but according to the latest SearchMetrics study shows us that the best positioned in the SERP have increased the extension of their content by 25%, then you say What?

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I will tell you my opinion about it;

On the one hand I consider that Google has granted something more of value to the long content to prevent superfluous content from reaching the top positions of the search engine, but certainly if we analyze the SERP we continue to see that the two cases occur and this filter does not finish functioning all that the search engine would like it.

On the other hand, and this may be the most important part to bet on a long content, and is that by writing more words and combinations of it, we have more possibilities to index keywords in the Top 20, being able to index hundreds and even thousands of keywords with a single article.

Another aspect that we must take into account, and perhaps not be given the importance it should, is that if we generate a very complete content that addresses all questions or doubts that users may have, logically, we will be able to reduce the percentage of bounce , which will be a very positive signal for Google to reward us with a better web positioning.

5.- Add the keyword to the start of the content
An important aspect and we must always do to improve our SEO On Page is to add our keyword in the first or second paragraph of the content, and this is because Google gives a lot of importance to the content that appears in the first 100 words of the content.

keyword start content

6.- It uses a coherent and consistent labeling (H1..H6)
Undoubtedly, it is one of the parts that most doubts generate to the majority of bloggers or users, but it is very simple, we have to use a structure where we organize and classify the information as best as possible, so I recommend that you do not limit yourself to a specific number of labels but the content that tells you the number you have to use, but follows some of these recommendations:

Although you can use more than H1, I personally prefer to only use one for each page.
Use a hierarchical structure that goes down level to level.
Increase the source of the titles to get more attention from the user. An error that I see that in some templates is that the titles h2 and h3 are so small that they blur and confuse with the rest of the text.
7.- Match the title of the post with the H1
By default, WordPress in most of the themes usually matches the H1 with the title of the Blog article, but this does not happen at all, in fact, sometimes the template can add more than one H1 to other elements such as the logo , mail, or any other element, something that is recommended to correct.

Here I leave some examples of my friends Luis Villanueva and Dean Romero;

post example luis villanueva

post example dean rosemary

8.- Increase the loading speed
If the latest changes to the Google algorithm are in the direction of improving the user experience, the loading speed of our page is a very important SEO factor.

There are many tools to analyze the loading speed of a web page, but think that the one that we have to import the most is the one that Google will use, that is, its own Pagespeed tool.

page speed google

Although there are other tools with which you can analyze and optimize your upload speed as they are:

gtmetrix pagespeed

This tool is very simple to use and we can see what aspects we need to improve to increase the loading speed, but it also gives us the possibility of obtaining the optimized version of images, css and javascript.

page speed pingdom

It is possible to get a charging speed below 2 seconds as you can see in this image.

Something I like about these tools is that we can see a decomposition of all the elements that are loaded in our page to detect which are the ones that affect or affect the speed.

7 Tips to optimize the loading speed
1.- Use a plugin to cache and correctly compress your web page or Blog.

2.- Use Cloudflare to improve DNS management, security and also the loading speed.

3.- Use as a CDN Amazon CloudFront. You will have free of 50GB and 2,000,000 applications.

4.- Reduce the calls made by your page; Unify all the CSS in a single file and do the same with all the javascript you can.

5.- Compress the images to the maximum and always add the dimensions of it.

6.- Activate the Lazy Load function, for retro