How to make the best online marketing campaign

Do you want to make the best online marketing campaign  for your brand or company? You are not alone: ​​many marketers are proposing that same goal, but only a lucky few get it. Do you know what is your secret to develop a good advertising campaign ? buy youtube views

The truth is that there is no “magic recipe” to make the best online campaign, because it is an environment in constant evolution and because the needs of brands are very different. But there is a series of good practices demonstrated that you can start now to improve the results of your online marketing . Let’s see what they are and take a look at five of the most inspiring digital campaigns  .

  • Do you want to know the steps necessary to succeed with your marketing? Click here and download the list of “How to create your Digital Marketing Campaigns (in 20 steps)”


If we want to stand out in an environment as saturated as that of online campaigns, we can not limit ourselves to doing what everybody does. Thanks to the analysis of the competition, you have already identified what other brands are doing, so dare to be different!

Surprise, impact, be controversial, make laugh … there are many strategies we can use, but what is clear is that we can not leave people indifferent. In the following section you can see 5 examples of unique online campaigns to inspire you.

5 online campaigns that inspire us

1) Kale Limp from MailChimp

This email marketing platform decided to make the need virtue and take advantage of the ways in which users mispronounce its name. For this, he launched a series of online campaigns of the most surreal with different variations of “MailChimp”. In this, “Kale Limp”, we reveal the surprising origin of one of the favorite vegetables of hipsters. 

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5 tips to make the best online campaign for your brand

1) Analyze the situation before you start

The best marketers always do their homework. Good planning is half the battle, and for our plans to make sense, we have to know exactly where we are. So before you start writing the marketing plan for your online campaign , my advice is to thoroughly review these three topics:

  • The current situation of the brand . Volume of sales, objectives, digital channels in which it has a presence, previous campaigns carried out … This is a good time to analyze our online reputation: volume of user mentions to our brand and products, media where they are produced and tone of the same.
  • Competition . At a minimum, you need to identify the most direct competitors and see what they are doing with their online campaigns. Thus, you will be able to know which are the tactics that work best in your sector and identify possible gaps to cover with your marketing.
  • The target of your company . Who do your products and services go to? What needs do they have? What are the networks and social media that you use the most? In this section you can find it very useful to develop a buyer person , that is, a profile of your ideal client that answers all these questions and helps you to identify with him.

2) Clearly define your objectives

Another essential point of the digital marketing plans is the definition of the objectives . The online campaigns can respond to very different needs: increasing the number of records in the database, improve conversions, generate awareness about a new product … so we have to be clear about what we want and flee of the “vanity metrics” as the number of followers.

A good objective has to respond to these characteristics:

  • Be in line with the company’s global business objectives . Online campaigns are just one more part of the global marketing plan , and it is essential that the entire company is rowing in the same direction if we are to reach a successful conclusion. Therefore, the first thing to consider is what are the global needs of the company and how we can contribute to solve them.
  • Be as concrete as possible . An objective such as “increasing my brand awareness” is too generic, since it is very open to interpretation. That’s why it’s much better to get “4000 mentions to the brand’s products on Twitter and Instagram over the next 2 months”.
  • Be ambitious and realistic at the same time . Too easy goals do not motivate teams to do their best. But if we set an impossible goal, we will most likely be discouraged when we see that we are too far away. Therefore, we must find a balance between both points. It is also a good idea to establish two or three subgoals: the minimum, the affordable and the ideal, for example.
  • Being able to measure easily . It is absolutely essential that the objectives are quantifiable and are associated with a key performance indicator (KPI), since otherwise we will not be able to monitor their evolution. In fact, a clear plan for measuring results should be defined at the same time that we set objectives.
  • Have a deadline . All objectives must be defined in time, as this helps to distinguish between different stages and mark an action plan to achieve them.

Finally, it is worth keeping in mind that the same online campaign can respond to several objectives at once, so we do not have to limit ourselves to just one.

3) Choosing channels and actions well

Today we have endless resources to carry out our online marketing campaigns , so it is essential to filter and focus on the channels and actions most likely to achieve the results we seek.

To begin with, we have to keep in mind that the different channels and strategies may be suitable for different phases of the conversion funnel . For example, in the initial phase (TOFU) we can use display ads to generate visibility. In the MOFU stage, email marketing may be adequate to lead nurturing . And when the user is ready to convert (BOFU), we can give it a final push with remarketing ads .

It is also convenient to do a good study of the online media that our ideal clients use the most. Ideally, this information should be part of the buyer person.

Another very useful tool to be clear about this choice is the customer journey or trip, which will help us visualize the different points of contact necessary for a person to become a customer of the brand. And it is that in general, we will have to impact him several times and through different means to achieve the conversion we are looking for.

4) Segment the audience correctly

Segmentation is one of the most powerful keys of the best digital marketing campaigns , as it allows us to reach the right person at the right time and save a lot of unnecessary efforts.

Today we have an incredible amount of data about users, but we have to use them with intelligence to get the most out of them. To begin, write down these recommendations:

  • Explore targeting options on social networks, for example, Facebook Ads . Through its tool, you can define a lot of aspects about your ideal audience, from the exact location to the marital status, the hobbies or the devices they use.
  • Think segmentation not only from a static characteristics point of view, but also from the vital moment in which the user is (for example, newlyweds, people who have just moved to a certain city …).
  • Do A / B tests with different audience segments and compare the results with each other.
  • Use tools like similar audiences and remarketing.
  • Automate your marketing as much as possible in order to divide the audience into high precision segments and offer them highly personalized campaigns.

5) Dare to risk


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