36 Best Applications for Instagram in 2018 Essential Tools

I really wanted to write this article where I did a great review of a series of applications for Instagram that I consider absolutely essential to start working this popular social network.

These applications will be of great help to create very professional images and videos before uploading them to your account.

In January I decided to take the leap to Instagram and create the Marketing and Web account , and I have to say that I am delighted and every day I like Owner Partner Shareholder Email List more having taken this step, and that happens because it allows me to communicate more simple and human aspects that I do day a day.

I mainly use it when I travel or am in a marketing event, but I also can not avoid photographing a good ice cream or a delicious meal, and share it and upload it to Instagram.

So if you still have not taken the step, I recommend you create an Instagram account and work your personal brand.

But good I do not roll up more and I leave you this compilation of 36 tools or applications for Instagram that I hope will be very useful.

Has not it ever happened to you that you uploaded a photo to Instagram and then you deleted it from your mobile and then you wanted to use it again or send it to someone but you could not because you deleted it?

The solution to this is usually to make a screenshot to download an Instagram photo, but there is an application that solves this.

InstaSave is an application to download Instagram videos (or images) that has a version for both computer and Android.

You only have to access InstaSave then in the desktop version of Instagram select the URL of the photo or video you want to download, click “Submit” and click on the photo or video that generates and ready.