The Events of Online Marketing as a Brand Strategy

Sometimes I think we devote all our effort to enhance our brand strategy in online channels forgetting, and I do not know why, the offline channels germany email database . That’s why I’m going to propose an online and offline Branding strategy to boost your brand image.

Throughout the year we can find all kinds of online and social media marketing events that cover practically the entire geography of Spain, the vast majority of these events are done in person, but more and more are encouraging the online model, and they launch a face-to-face and online hybrid simultaneously, something that I consider to be very successful and more in keeping with current times.

How do we choose the best events to improve our brand image?
There are those who think that by attending a conference you will do networking and thus improve your brand, but this is not the case, and this happens because the best spaces to talk with other professionals are outside the conference hours and outside the physical space where they meet. the event is held, the best spaces to talk with other professionals are usually lunch, dinner or a few beers in an informal way.

Reasons to attend a congress
1.- Learning
This may be the most important and one of the main reasons why we attend a marketing conference. We hope that some speaker takes a trick out of the sleeve and reveals all the secrets of his success, but we have to be realistic, the tricks in marketing do not exist.

2.- Netwoking
Really in the hours that lasts the papers of a congress you are not going to do any type of networking. Interns for a pasta or coffee are so short that you only have time to say hello, my name is, and see if we have time to eat this croisant before the next conference begins.

If your goal is to do networking do not choose marketing events for their speakers but do it for those who support the real spaces to flow in a more natural way networking.

3.- Accreditation
I do not understand why all of the attendees of the marketing event, such as a congress, do not receive a personal accreditation, would not this be a great way to improve the brand strategy of the congress and the assistant? I think that in this case it is a pending issue and something that many marketing congresses in Spain have to improve.

4.- Devirtualization
This is something that I believe that all professionals of online marketing and social media we really like, since we sometimes spend many hours talking to people through social networks, so we really want to meet in person and devirtualize it .

5.- Diversity of topics
Normally in a congress very different subjects are touched which is very enriching for the assistant.

In a few hours we can receive information from many areas of marketing and social media.

What do I need to bring to a marketing and social media conference?

1.- Many business cards
The congresses are a hotbed of card changes, and if you do not carry a card you look like a weirdo who is out of this relational madness.

Germany Email Database

2.- Mobile / Ipad with Internet connection
Something that many of the marketing congresses suffer from is that the internet connection usually fails at times, so it is important that the connection of your mobile device works well so that you can disseminate the event through Social Networks.

3.- USB Power Charger
The most normal thing is that before the end of the morning your phone is about to succumb and you may not have at hand a plug to charge the battery, so I’m eating you carry your own USB power charger, so you can recharge your mobile device and endure the 2nd Round of the afternoon.

4.- Comfortable briefcase
A congress is not a plane that you can go with a huge suitcase, I recommend that you take the minimum necessary and that you are as comfortable as possible throughout the event.

5.- Great Courage
Do not be afraid to approach any professional to chat and exchange positions on any topic, and do not be afraid to propose an invitation to your Blog or to do an interview, this is your moment to convince them …

If you are still unclear about the online marketing events you want to attend, here is a list of some of the ones I’m going to attend as a speaker, guest or teacher:

 # 1 TweetChat: How to increase your Blog traffic in a short time
twitter chat holasemrush

In this online event through Twitter I will tell you how I managed to spend 30,000 to 90,000 visits a month with my Blog in a few months.

I assure you that there is nothing of tricks or strange things, just a lot of work, effort and above all a lot of passion and respect for the Blogger world.

To follow the event, you just have to follow the hashtag #holasemrush on Thursday, October 15th from 6pm to 7pm, Spain time.