
(a) The term “Latestdatabase.com Property” means all programs, files, systems, documentation, information, content, graphics, page layouts, site designs, user interfaces utilized or provided by Latestdatabase.com, work product produced by Latestdatabase.com, and derivate works of any of the foregoing, including, without limitation, the website or websites made available to you by Latestdatabase.com, any HTML programming performed as part of providing you with Data and any other special programs, functionalities, interfaces and other work product, ideas, concepts or techniques which Latestdatabase.com may develop, use or rely upon in providing the Data to you.

(b) All Latestdatabase.com Property shall be and will remain the property of Latestdatabase.com.

(c) As between you and Latestdatabase.com, Latestdatabase.com shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights in and to the Latestdatabase.com Property and the Data.